Raised Garden Beds are accessible and easy to maintain. We will have workshops and end the season with a potluck from our gardens! Email strongfarmgardens@gmail.com for more information.
Read about how the program began.
The Raised Bed Gardening Program (RBG) begins April/May (depending on gardener preference). Gardening Mentors will teach, guide, and answer questions on days TBD (schedule will be provided at start of season). Participants maintain their beds during Farm operating hours. The Garden Beds are the responsibility of the gardeners.
Participants agree to the following:
- Gardeners agree to plant and maintain their beds from Spring through to the Harvest.
- Only those individuals identified above are approved to garden. Changes in approved Gardeners must be submitted to the Farm in writing via email to info@strongfarm.org.
- Sign-in: All Gardeners must sign-in upon arrival at the farm, and sign-out upon leaving.
- Explained Absences: Please arrange for a fellow gardener to maintain your bed in your absence.
- Unexplained Absences: If you have not signed in for one week and have not informed the Farm of your absence, we will maintain the garden for one additional week. At the end of that period, the bed will revert to the Farm, and all produce from the bed will belong to the Farm.
- Ending Commitment: Canceling your involvement in the program will result in the bed reverting to the Farm, and all produce from the bed will belong to the Farm.
- Any extra produce can be given to SFF to be sold in the farm store. Please log your donations.
The Farm reserves the right to make changes to this program at any time.
Strong Farm Gardeners’ Blog
Meet Erika! Erika Phillips has been gardening at Strong Family Farm since 2020 and has stepped into the role of Garden Leader for the farm’s Raised Bed Gardening program.
This is my fourth year gardening at the Strong Family Farm and I have stepped into the newly created role of Garden Leader, meaning I coordinate the schedule, lead the meetings, and help everything run smoothly. Having become a better gardener because of the mentoring that I’ve received from the RBG program, I’m excited to be involved in growing the program!
Tomatoes! Our tomatoes are still going strong! The gardeners have lots of varieties of tomatoes in their beds, from large heirlooms to small random hybrids that popped up on their own. And one pest that loves tomato plants is the tomato hornworm (which is really…
Success and Succession Planting
It’s been a busy few months around the farm, including for the gardeners, and I took some time off from writing. Some of our crops are done for the season and we have started our last rounds of plantings. Mentor Deborah Winicki of Mon Soliel Farm was with us this past Saturday to show us…
International Compost Awareness Week
Last week was International Compost Awareness week (May 7-13), so the main topic of our Raised Bed Gardening meeting was, of course, composting. What is it? Why do it? How does it happen? Our Garden Mentor Dan Gallagher, master gardener and master composter, answered these and other questions in his talk. So, what is compost?…