Support The Farm

Support Strong Family Farm

The Strong Family Farm is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


Provide a historic agricultural education center where children, families, individuals, and community groups can experience an authentic family farm environment.


  • Preserve the small farm agricultural tradition that has been in place since the 1800s
  • Develop fun and educational events and activities that enable people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the farm in a variety of ways
  • Preserve and protect the family farm and pastures for future generations

Make your donation today

Other Ways to Support Strong Family Farm

Fence Replacement Project

In his classic New England poem, “Mending Wall,” Robert Frost penned the famous phrase “Good fences make good neighbors.” At Strong Family Farm we know it takes good neighbors to make good fences.

Norman Strong with the help of his son, Morgan and farm hands, Otto Schatz and John DeCarli, put in the fencing on Peterson Road over 50 years ago using split telephone poles and cedar posts. It has served its purpose of keeping in the cows and turkeys on farm property for many years and has been ready for updating and replacing for years.

Thanks to many good neighbors and friends, the new fence surrounding the farm is now up and looking wonderful. Many posts and rails have been donated by friends of the farm over the past few years. A plaque has been put on each donated fence piece with a dedication of their choice.

It’s no too late to donate a rail or a post! Make a donation to Strong Family Farm, in your own name, a friend’s name or the name of a loved one. This makes a great gift or memorial for a birthday or special occasion. Your name, or the name of your business, or the name of a loved one can be permanently affixed to this historic farm.

So please donate today! Send a check for $100 for a post or $50 for a rail made out to “Strong Family Farm” (put the word “Fence” in the memo section) and mail to 274 West Road, Vernon, CT 06066. And include this Fence Replacement Donation Form so we can complete your plaque and share your donation with whomever you choose to do so. Or donate here via our online Fence Replacement Page. Best of all, your donation, whether check, cash or credit is tax deductible as we are an official 501(c)(3).

Thank you  for your support of the farm. Your continued support ensures Strong Family Farm will remain part of the Vernon community and the Vernon landscape.

Shop at the Farm Store

During the season, we not only have chicken eggs but duck eggs as well, and for a short time the very special pullet eggs. A store favorite is a chocolate-covered Royal Ice Cream Sandwiches, and we feature canned goods by our own Master Food Preservist Claudia Steele. We carry only Connecticut grown or made goods or those made available to us by our Connecticut supporters and friends. We accept all major credit cards.

Become a Member

Membership Benefits: As a member of the farm, you get a 10% discount on all Sunday purchases at the farm store, and when we’re able to offer it, a discount on the cost of activities.

You can renew or become a new member by making your donation online.
or download our Membership Form Brochure and mail it with your check today!

Members: We want to hear from you!

Current members, please take a moment to fill our our questionnaire and return to us (mail, email, or in person!) and let us know your thoughts about the farm!

Become a Sponsor

Sponsorships help ensure we have a fantastic season full of fun activities for all ages. You or your business can sponsor our Annual Chicken Run or help with other activities and projects on the Farm. With your financial support, we can preserve farm history for generations to enjoy!

Click here to Become a Sponsor


We are so excited to work with you! Volunteers are at the heart of our work with a wide range of opportunities from Saturday farm workdays, to serving on a committee, to sharing your expertise in helping with our various projects. People who make time in their day and in their lives to support us with their talent create a deep impact and we appreciate you.

Volunteer Season:

The types of opportunities and projects change from season to season. Our peak volunteer season at SFF is during programs and events– from April through October.

Volunteer Sign-up:

Have any questions? Share your expertise or inquire about more volunteer opportunities, at Give us your background information and interests so we can see how you’d like to volunteer and we will get right back to you with potential opportunities.

Before you volunteer, please read and sign our Volunteer Waiver. Bring the signed waiver with you to the farm. Students under the age of 18 need to have a guardian sign the waiver before volunteering at the farm.